Why Should Homeowners Should Avoid Concrete Paint For Garages

concrete paintAfraid of messing up your garage floors? There are several solutions that offer durability and high resistance to harm, whether you’re looking into concrete flooring options for your garages. The nicest flooring is what we, as owners want for our floors. No matter what, treating your concrete slab to avoid breaking, dusting, and a moisture intrusion is a smart option.

Some homeowners apply paint as a temporary solution. However, concrete paint isn’t as durable compared to garage floor coating. Before we dive in, let’s understand what concrete paint is. Concrete paint is non-reactive, much like a water-based concrete stain. Permeating the concrete’s surface pores creates an opaque, uniform tint. Paint is particularly well suited for use on concrete floors for aesthetic purposes.

Why Should You Avoid Concrete Paint? 

Painting your garage floor is a terrific approach to modernizing that area, as you’ve heard from many individuals in the past. Considering concrete paint, is it worth the investment? So, if you intend to paint a floor, reading this will be well worth your time. Let’s take a deeper look at whether or not it is a good choice for garages.

Slippery when the rainy season

Floors in garages should be tactile and have a strong grip to avoid accidents and hazards. During rainy seasons, concrete paints and sealers can be very slippery when wet, even when applied over broomed or textured surfaces. You would not want your garage prone to hazards.

Poor adhesion

Within days of installation, paint coatings frequently begin peeling or blistering. Usually, this is due to poor surface preparation. An adverse chemical reaction between the paint and soluble salts evaporating from the concrete might also lead to poor adhesion.

Wear and tear

Even if you seal the floor after painting it, the chemicals you’ll need to work with can be challenging and harmful. The sealers might not hold up to the daily abrasion that a garage floor endures, though. Painting is messy, the preparation is challenging, and the outcome could be bad if you don’t do it correctly.

Difficult to get done

People believe painting a floor only requires putting a roller brush into a paint pan and getting to work. The secret to success is preparation, but it takes a lot of work. To start, fill in any gaps or fractures to create a level, smooth surface. To prevent paint from splattering on your baseboards and walls, tape them off. It takes skill to paint the floors with a nice, even layer that lasts. Getting it done is not something just anyone can do.

Find The Better Solution For Garage Flooring 

Garage floor paint is NOT the best option for your garages for several important reasons. So, what are your options? Garage concrete coatings is the answer! Our floor coatings give your garage a unique, polished appearance and increase functionality. With California Marble, you may get the floor of your dreams whenever it suits you. Every installation job is taken seriously by our team of experts. Our experts will work closely with you at each stage to guarantee your complete pleasure.

Check all our services, then choose your garage floor coatings wisely. Visit the rest of our website at www.california-marble.com  to discover better options for garage flooring. Reach out to us to arrange a complimentary consultation at your Irvine business or home. For a free estimate in Irvine, CA, call (800) 421-3152.

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